BOTINKIT Platform User Service Agreement

Special Note

Welcome to the BOTINKIT platform! We would like to remind you (the user) to carefully read this "BOTINKIT Platform User Service Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") before registering as a user of the BOTINKIT platform to ensure that you fully understand the terms of this agreement, especially those in bold form to draw your attention to the terms. Please read carefully and choose whether to accept or not accept to this agreement. Only after you agree and click to confirm the terms of this agreement and complete the registration process can you become an officially registered user of the BOTINKIT platform and enjoy various services of the BOTINKIT platform.

Your registration, login, and use of the BOTINKIT platform will be deemed that you have fully read and understood this Agreement, and agreed to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

If you do not agree to this agreement, or have any questions about the terms of this agreement, please immediately stop the BOTINKIT platform user registration process and stop using the BOTINKIT platform services. This "Special Note" is an integral part of the main text of this Agreement.

This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between the BOTINKIT platform and users regarding the "BOTINKIT Platform" service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").


1.1. User: refers to the individual, unit or other entity who registers, logs in and uses this service.

1.2. BOTINKIT platform: refers to the hardware operating platform operated by Shenzhen BOTINKIT Technology Co., Ltd. for the intelligent robot products it sells, including but not limited to the BOTINKIT robot interface, APP, WeChat mini apps, independent tablet terminal, etc.

1.3. Our company: refers to the operator of the BOTINKIT platform, namely Shenzhen BOTINKIT Technology Co., Ltd.

1.4. User Service Agreement: This agreement refers to the agreement entered into between you and our company to stipulate the rights and obligations between you and our company in the process of logging in and using the BOTINKIT platform, as well as using the intelligent robot products of BOTINKIT Technology through the BOTINKIT platform as on written contract.

2.Account registration

2.1. Users need to register a "BOTINKIT" account before using this service. "BOTINKIT" account should be registered with a mobile phone number. Users are required to use a mobile phone number that has not been bound to a "BOTINKIT" account and a mobile phone number that has not been blocked by the BOTINKIT platform in accordance with this agreement to register a "BOTINKIT" account. The BOTINKIT platform can be changed in regards to account registrations and binding methods according to user needs or to product needs without notifying users in advance.

2.2. If the applicant has a history of being banned by the BOTINKIT platform or is suspected of false registration, misuse of registration in another person's name, or other reasons that cannot be approved, the BOTINKIT platform reserves the rights, and will reject such registration application.

2.3. In view of the registration binding method of the "BOTINKIT" account, you agree that the BOTINKIT platform will use your mobile phone number, mobile phone device identification code and other information for registration when registering.

2.4. In accordance to changes in national laws and regulations and the operational needs of the BOTINKIT platform, the BOTINKIT platform has the rights to modify the terms of this agreement and related rules from time to time. Once the modified content is published on the BOTINKIT platform in any form, it will take effect and replace the previous relevant content.

You should pay attention to changes in BOTINKIT platform announcements, prompt information, agreements, rules and other related content from time to time. After modifying the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using the services provided by the BOTINKIT platform. The user's continued use of the services provided by the BOTINKIT platform will be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement.

3.Account security

3.1. Once the user successfully registers, he or she becomes a user of the BOTINKIT platform, will receive a username and password, and has the right to use his or her username and password to log in to the BOTINKIT platform at any time.

3.2. The user is fully responsible for the security of the user name and password. Your account is set up and kept by you. The BOTINKIT platform will not proactively ask you to provide your account password at any time. You will be responsible for all consequences caused by improper storage of your account number and password. Any successful login and use of the BOTINKIT platform with your account and password will be deemed as your use; you shall be legally responsible for all activities and consequences of your account.

3.3. Users are not allowed to transfer or authorize others to use their BOTINKIT platform accounts regardless in any form of authorization. The BOTINKIT platform is not responsible for any losses or consequences caused by the user actively leaking or lending account information or because the users are attacked or defrauded by others. The user can recover compensation from the infringer through judicial, administrative and other relief channels.

4. User Statement and Warranty

4.1. The user promises that he is a civil subject with full capacity for civil conduct, and confirms that when you complete the registration process, this agreement is established and takes legal effect between you and the BOTINKIT platform, and you become an official user of the BOTINKIT platform.

4.2. Users are obliged to provide their true information when registering, and ensure the validity and security of content such as mobile phone number, name, location, etc., and ensure that BOTINKIT platform staff can contact the user through the above contact information. At the same time, users are also obliged to promptly update relevant registration information when the relevant information actually changes.

4.3. Any content produced, uploaded, copied, published, and disseminated by users while using the BOTINKIT platform, including but not limited to account avatars, names, user descriptions and other registration information and authentication materials, or in text, voice, pictures, Information sent and replied to through the BOTINKIT platform in the form of videos, graphics, text, etc., as well as other content generated by the use of accounts or this service, must not violate the relevant national legal systems, and must not involve the following situations:

(1) Violates the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) Damaging national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

(5) Undermining national religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) Spread rumors, disrupt public order, and undermine social stability;

(7) Spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigate crimes;

(8) Insulting or defaming others and infringing upon others' legitimate rights and interests;

(9) Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4.4. Users are not allowed to use the "BOTINKIT" account or this service to produce, upload, copy, publish, or disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of the BOTINKIT platform and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:

(1) Contains any sexual or sexual implications;

(2) Contains insulting, intimidating or threatening content;

(3) Contains harassment, spam advertising, malicious information, and deceptive information;

(4) Involving other people’s privacy, personal information or data;

(5) Infringe upon others’ reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legal rights;

(6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of this service and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

4.5. The BOTINKIT platform has the right to review or delete illegal content posted/disseminated by users that violates the provisions of Articles 4.3 and 4.4 at any time (including but not limited to text, voice, pictures, videos, graphics, etc.).

4.6. Unless permitted by law or with the written permission of the BOTINKIT platform, you shall not engage in the following behaviors while using the BOTINKIT platform:

(1) Delete the copyright information on the BOTINKIT platform and its copies;

(2) Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, decompile the BOTINKIT platform, or otherwise try to discover the source code of the BOTINKIT platform;

(3) Use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, assemble, publish, publish, establish mirror sites, etc. the content of which the Company owns intellectual property rights;

(4) Copy, modify, add, and modify the data released into the memory of any terminal during the operation of the BOTINKIT platform or the BOTINKIT platform, the interaction data between the client and the server during the operation of the website, and the system data necessary for the operation of the BOTINKIT platform. Delete, mount and run or create any derivative works, including but not limited to using plug-ins, plug-ins or third-party tools/services not authorized by the Company to access the BOTINKIT platform and related systems;

(5) Through modifying or forging instructions and data in the operation of the website, adding, deleting, or changing the functions or operating effects of the website, or operating or disseminating to the public software and methods used for the above purposes, regardless of whether these actions are for business purposes;

(6) Log in to or use the BOTINKIT platform and services through third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, and systems not developed and authorized by the Company, or produce, publish, and disseminate the above tools;

(7) Interfere with the BOTINKIT platform and its components, modules and data by yourself or by authorizing others or third-party software.

5. Service content

5.1. Our company is a technology company committed to promoting the application of "intelligent cooking robots + artificial intelligence + taste data algorithms" in the catering field. The company is positioned as an industrial Internet service provider in the catering industry - with "taste big data, taste algorithms, and taste software" as the core, it digitally integrates intelligent cooking robots and vegetable cleaning supply chains, and exports "semi-unmanned chefs" to catering companies The overall solution provides taste learning and customized services at the same time, realizes digital cooking through robots and computer tasters, inspires new food creativity and allows new food experiences to spread across time and geography to the catering industry and consumers' homes.

Specific service content is provided by the BOTINKIT platform based on actual conditions, including but not limited to:

(1) Application of cooking robot operation;

(2) Recording of restaurant recipes;

(3) Restaurant menu editing;

(4) Restaurant and cooking robot data management;

(5) Cooking model algorithm based on recipe data training;

(6) Account and organizational permission management.

5.2. Considering the complexity of the operation of the cooking robot, in order to respond to your service needs and our service quality in a timely manner, we have pre-installed remote operation and maintenance programs (if applicable) on the BOTINKIT platform. With your consent, our company's staff can remotely operate and collect information on the cooking robot. Your agreement to this agreement is equivalent to your consent to the company's installation and application of the remote control software.

5.3.Special instructions

(1) You can choose to use our services to create, edit and upload recipe information (including but not limited to information on ingredients, seasonings, techniques, cooking processes, etc.), and this information will be stored in our server; unless you agree otherwise, The recipes you upload will be kept strictly confidential and will only be retrieved when internal personnel of your company or organization use the BOTINKIT platform services;

(2) If you have requests for business cooperation or public sharing of your recipes, we will provide them within the scope of authorization after obtaining your authorization and consent;

(3) You can set the permissions for viewing, editing, sharing and using recipes within your company or organization according to your specific needs, and the recipes you upload will support multiple people viewing them at the same time;

(4) In order to improve the performance of the cooking robot and the service quality of the BOTINKIT platform, we will use the recipe data you uploaded for the training of our cooking model algorithm. Your agreement to this Agreement is equivalent to granting the Company an irrevocable, worldwide license free of charge until the end of the corresponding protection period, allowing the Company to use the recipes you upload for the aforementioned commercial purposes.

6. Termination of service

6.1. Under the following circumstances, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to terminate the provision of services to users:

(1) When a user violates the relevant provisions of this service agreement, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to terminate the provision of services to the user; if the user registers as a user directly or indirectly again or in the name of another person, once discovered, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to directly terminate the provision of services to the user;

(2) If the BOTINKIT platform contacts the user through the information provided by the user and finds that the contact information filled in by the user during registration no longer exists or cannot be reached, the BOTINKIT platform will notify the user of the change using other contact information, and the user will have three working days to If new contact information is still not provided within this period, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to terminate services to the user;

(3) Once the BOTINKIT platform discovers that the data or information provided by the user contains false content, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to terminate services to the user at any time;

(4) When these Terms of Service are terminated or updated, the user expressly does not want to accept the new Terms of Service;

(5) and other situations where the BOTINKIT platform deems it necessary to terminate the service.

6.2. After the service is terminated, the BOTINKIT platform has no obligation to retain any information in or related to the original account for the user, or to forward any unread or unsent information to the user or a third party.

6.3. The user understands and agrees that even after this agreement is terminated and the user's service is terminated, the BOTINKIT platform still has the right to:

(1) Continue to save your user information;

(2) Continue to assert liability against users for violating laws, regulations, this Agreement and platform rules during their use of BOTINKIT platform services.

6.4. If the Company discovers or receives reports and complaints from others that you have violated this Agreement or engaged in any malicious behavior, the Company has the right to delete or block the relevant content at any time without notice, and to impose penalties on the offending account including but not limited to the circumstances of the behavior. Penalties such as warnings, restrictions or prohibitions on the use of some or all functions, account bans, cancellations, etc. will be issued, and the results will be announced.

7. Changes and interruptions of services

7.1. In view of the particularity of network services, the user agrees that the Company may change or interrupt part or all of the network services, and delete (no longer save) any information submitted by the user during use without notifying the user. The Company and its affiliates shall not be liable to any user or any third party for losses resulting from the interruption or termination of all services.

7.2. The Company needs to regularly or irregularly detect or update the platform that provides network services. If the network service is interrupted within a reasonable period of time due to such circumstances, the Company does not assume any responsibility for this.

7.3. For service interruption and response caused by server crashes, network failures, database failures, software upgrades, server repairs, adjustments, upgrades, etc., or other force majeure (including but not limited to government actions, natural disasters, hacker attacks, etc.) Our company and its affiliates do not assume any liability for losses caused by your personal data and information.

8. Modification of Terms of Service

8.1. The platform rules, regulations and policy documents published by the BOTINKIT platform form part of this agreement. The BOTINKIT platform will consider the characteristics of the service content provided to users and require users to abide by specific conditions and terms when accepting relevant services; such as these specific conditions If the terms and conditions are inconsistent with the above terms of service, the specific terms and conditions shall prevail.

8.2. In order to better serve you, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to change this agreement based on operating conditions and necessity. The changed agreement will be announced in advance through the BOTINKIT platform announcement. The changed agreement will take effect 7 days after the announcement. . You can check the latest version of the agreement terms on the relevant pages of the BOTINKIT platform.

8.3. After the terms of this agreement are changed, if you continue to accept the BOTINKIT platform services, you will be deemed to have accepted the changed agreement. If you cannot agree to the changed agreement, you should stop using the relevant services and cancel your account.

9. Disclaimer and Indemnity Statement

9.1. If the BOTINKIT platform has clearly stated that its service provision method has changed and reminded users of matters that they should pay attention to, all consequences arising from the user's failure to operate as required shall be borne by the user.

9.2. The user expressly agrees that the risks associated with his use of the BOTINKIT platform will be entirely borne by him/herself, and all consequences arising from his or her use of the BOTINKIT platform will also be borne by him/herself.

9.3. The user agrees to protect and safeguard the interests of the BOTINKIT platform and other users. If the user uses the BOTINKIT platform illegally, untruthfully, improperly or infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of a third party, or the user violates any terms under this agreement, he or she shall be liable. If the BOTINKIT platform or any other third party causes losses, the user agrees to bear the liability for the resulting damages independently; if the company suffers losses as a result, you should also compensate for them.

9.4. The Company has the right to take appropriate legal action based on reasonable judgment for violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement, and to preserve relevant information and report to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations. You shall be solely responsible and legally liable for all consequences arising therefrom.

9.5. Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, the Company does not make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the operation of the BOTINKIT platform and the information, content, materials, products (including software) or services contained on the BOTINKIT platform ( Except as otherwise provided for in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China).

10. Ownership and intellectual property rights

10.1. Once you accept this Agreement, you grant the Company and its affiliates free rights to the protection of any form of information content such as text, comments, pictures, photos, videos, and audio that you provide, upload, create, and publish on the BOTINKIT platform. Until the end of the term, irrevocable, worldwide, exclusive license to use the copyright (including but not limited to: reproduction rights, distribution rights, rental rights, exhibition rights, performance rights, screening rights, broadcast rights, information network dissemination rights, filming rights rights, adaptation rights, translation rights, compilation rights and other permissible rights that should be enjoyed by the copyright holder), portrait rights, user ID names, etc. , the company has the right to collect evidence and file lawsuits against third parties for infringement in its own name. You agree that the company and its affiliates have the right to store, use, copy, revise, edit, publish, display, translate, distribute, promote, publish, distribute, and disseminate your above information content through information networks, and have the right to adapt and produce derivative works, and Incorporate the above information into other works in any form, media or technology now known or hereafter developed.

10.2. Subject to the special agreement on recipes in Article 5.3, the Company has the right to sublicense all rights in Article 10.1 to other third parties.

10.3. You should ensure that the various types of information published in Article 10.1 on the Company's website do not involve infringement of a third party's portrait, privacy, intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests. Otherwise, the company has the right to take measures at any time including but not limited to deleting, disconnecting, etc.

10.4. This agreement has constituted a written agreement for the license to use copyright property rights and other rights stipulated in the "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws, and its validity applies to any work content protected by copyright law that you publish on the BOTINKIT platform, regardless of the Whether the contents are formed before the conclusion of this agreement or after the conclusion of this agreement.

10.5. Unless otherwise mandated by law, no unit or individual may illegally copy, reproduce, quote, link, crawl or otherwise use BOTINKIT in whole or in part in any way without the express written consent of the Company. The information content of the platform, otherwise, the company has the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

10.6. The materials and information published on the BOTINKIT platform (such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, sound file clips, digital downloads, data compilations and software) are the property of the company or its content providers and are protected by Chinese and international laws. Protection under copyright laws. The compilation of all content on the BOTINKIT platform is the exclusive property of the Company and protected by Chinese and international copyright laws. All software on the BOTINKIT platform is the property of the company or its affiliates or its software suppliers, and is protected by Chinese and international copyright laws.

11.Privacy Statement

11.1. Scope of application:

(1) Personal registration information provided as required when a user registers a BOTINKIT platform account;

(2) When a user uses BOTINKIT platform products or visits its related web pages, the BOTINKIT platform automatically receives and records the server values on the user's browser, including but not limited to data such as IP address and web page records requested by the user.

11.2. You understand and agree that, in order to facilitate your use of BOTINKIT platform-related services, the BOTINKIT platform will store the necessary information for your use, including but not limited to your real name, contact information, address book, calendar, location information, etc. Except under circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, our company will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your permission. The company adopts professional encrypted storage and transmission methods for relevant information, and uses reasonable measures to ensure the security of users' personal information.

11.3. You understand and confirm that you need to provide your true identity information when registering an account or using the BOTINKIT platform. The BOTINKIT platform will authenticate your true identity information based on your mobile phone number in accordance with the relevant requirements of national laws and regulations. If the information you provide is untrue or incomplete, you will not be able to use the BOTINKIT platform or will be restricted during use. At the same time, you will be solely responsible for any adverse consequences arising therefrom.

11.4. When you use a specific service on the BOTINKIT platform, the service may have a separate agreement, relevant business rules, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Separate Agreement"). Please read and agree to the relevant terms before using the service. Separate Agreement; your use of the aforementioned specific services is deemed to have read and agreed to accept the relevant Separate Agreement.

11.5. The BOTINKIT platform attaches great importance to the protection of your personal information. When you use the services provided by the BOTINKIT platform, you agree to collect, store, use, disclose and protect your personal information in accordance with this Agreement and the "BOTINKIT Platform User Privacy Policy". The "BOTINKIT Platform User Privacy Policy" is part of this agreement and has the same legal effect as this agreement.

11.6.Use of information:

(1) The BOTINKIT platform will not sell or lend users’ personal information to anyone unless the user’s permission is obtained in advance;

(2) The BOTINKIT platform also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate users' personal information for free by any means. If any user engages in the above activities, once discovered, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user and seal their account;

(3) In order to achieve the purpose of serving users, BOTINKIT platform may use users’ personal information to provide services to users, including but not limited to sending product and service information to users, or sharing information with BOTINKIT platform partners so that they can send information to users. Information about its products and services.

11.7. Information disclosure: Users’ personal information will be partially or fully disclosed under the following circumstances:

(1) Disclose to third parties with the user’s consent;

(2) Disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial agencies in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of administrative or judicial agencies;

(3) If the user violates relevant Chinese laws or BOTINKIT platform policies, it needs to be disclosed to a third party;

(4) In order to provide the products and services requested by the user, the user's personal information must be shared with third parties;

(5) Other disclosures deemed appropriate by the BOTINKIT platform in accordance with laws or website policies;

(6) For the bank account information provided by users when using the BOTINKIT platform, the BOTINKIT platform will strictly fulfill the confidentiality agreement.

11.8. You fully understand and agree:

(1) In order to cooperate with the implementation of administrative regulatory agencies and judicial agencies, the BOTINKIT platform has the right to provide the above-mentioned administrative and judicial agencies with relevant information stored when you use the BOTINKIT platform, including but not limited to your registration information, within the scope of legal provisions. etc., or use relevant information for evidence preservation, including but not limited to notarization, witnessing, etc.;

(2) The BOTINKIT platform protects your right to know and choose during the installation or use process in accordance with the law. When you use the BOTINKIT platform services, services involving the built-in functions of your device will obtain your consent in advance. Once you confirm, this The company has the right to enable auxiliary functions necessary to provide services, including but not limited to collecting geographical location, reading address books, using cameras, enabling recording, etc.

(3) The company has the right to determine the maximum storage period of a single user's data on the BOTINKIT platform and services and the storage period of user logs based on the actual situation and within the scope of legal provisions, and allocate the maximum data storage space to them on the server, etc.

12. Applicable legal jurisdiction and others

12.1. The BOTINKIT platform solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt the BOTINKIT platform from liability and limit user rights. Users are asked to read carefully and consider the risks themselves. Minors should read this Agreement accompanied by a legal guardian.

12.2. The validity, interpretation and resolution of disputes of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or dispute occurs between the user and the BOTINKIT platform, it should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or controversy to the people's court with jurisdiction over the place where the company is domiciled.

12.3. No matter whether any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.

12.4. The company reserves the final right to interpret this agreement and reserves all rights to interpret and modify it. Other rights not expressly authorized by this Agreement are still reserved by the Company, and you must obtain additional written permission from the Company when exercising these rights. If the Company fails to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, it does not constitute a waiver of such rights.

Version update date: 21 September 2023

Version effective date: 21 September 2023

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you can contact us through the following contact information, and we will respond to your request within 24 hours:


Contact address: Floor 26A, Zimao Center, No.111 Taizi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

You can also contact us at any time by visiting the online customer service system or calling any of our customer service numbers.